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Manlio De Domenico is a complexity scientist. His research is at the edge of theoretical and computational aspects of statistical physics of complex biophysical and socio-ecological systems. He is mostly known for modeling structure and dynamics of complex systems by means of multilayer networks and multiscale analysis. He applies network science to study protein-protein interactions (human/viruses/model organisms interactome), neural connectivity (human/model organisms connectome) and epidemic spreading coupled with human behavior. He was awarded the German Physical Society's Young Scientist Award for Socio- and Econophysics (2020), the IUPAP Young Scientist Award on Statistical Physics (2019) and the Complex Systems Society's Young Scientific Award (2016) for his studies on multilayer systems. He is the National Coordinator of the Italian Chapter of the Complex Systems Society and founding Director of the Mediterranean School of Complex Networks.
Lab website: Complex Multilayer Networks Lab
Main interests: Computational analysis of living systems, Systems biology and network science, Systems medicine and network science, Protein-protein interaction networks, Brain networks and connectomes, Disease-disease interactions, Pathogenesis of complex diseases, Network epidemiology, Network neuroscience, Complex systems and network science
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Prof. Rizzuto pioneered the use of engineered luminescent and fluorescent proteins for studying calcium signalling at the subcellular level. Targeting of the luminescent proteins aequorin and luciferase and of the continuously expanding group of GFP-based fluorescent probes allowed major advancements in calcium signalling, cell metabolism and organelle morphology. In 2011, using a combination of experimental approaches (in silico search, reconstitution in planar lipid bilayers and electrophysiological characterization, expression and silencing in cultured cells, site-specific mutagenesis) he identified the mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU), the only fundamental component of the cellular calcium signalling machinery yet to be discovered. Finally, with a similar approach, also the long debated mitochondrial KATP channel, a putative regulator of ischemic pre-conditioning, was identified by Prof. Rizzuto’s research team in 2019 and shown to control mitochondrial volume and activity.
Lab website: Mitochondrial signalling Lab
Main interests: Preclinical research in model organisms, Protein-protein interaction networks, Metabolic networks, Metabolism, Pathogenesis of complex diseases
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Alberto Roverato graduated from the University of Padova in 1990 and obtained his PhD in Statistics from the same university in 1994. He is the author of one international book, more than 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 2 chapters in international books. Over the years he has delivered over 70 seminars including 32 invited presentations in international conferences and workshops (USA, China, Netherlands, UK, Germany, France, Singapore, Czech Republic, Spain and Denmark). He has been part of 15 projects funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR, Italy), the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN, Spain), the Air Force of Scientific Research (AFOSR, USA), the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) and The Italian National Research Council (CNR).
Main interests: Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Brain networks and connectomes, Complex systems and network science, Advanced data analysis techniques
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Maurizio Corbetta is a neurologist and neuroscientist interested in the neural mechanisms of behavior and recovery of function after injury. His lab uses a variety of methods including brain imaging (PET, MRI), electrophysiology (EEG/MEG), non-invasive brain stimulation (TMS/TES), and whole brain computational modeling to study the dynamics and complexity of brain signals in health and disease.
Lab website: Network Neuroscience Lab
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Clinical research in humans, Brain networks and connectomes, Network neuroscience, Advanced data analysis techniques
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My research group focuses on Algorithms for Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, and their application to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
We design computational and statistical methods to solve problems that arise in the analysis of massive datasets, with a focus on problems from molecular biology and biomedicine, such as the ones arising in the analysis of next-generation sequencing technologies. While our primary applicative focus is computational biology and biomedicine, we also work in more general areas of big data analytics, such as data mining and large network analysis.
We have developed several state-of-the-art techniques for mining statistically significant patterns from networks and other data types. We have applied our methods to several problems in molecular biology, including the analysis of somatic mutations in cancer. We have been recently focusing on effective computational tools to extract patterns in temporal networks.
Lab website: Vandin Lab
Main interests: Systems biology and network science, Systems medicine and network science, Protein-protein interaction networks, Disease-disease interactions, Cancer, Multi-omics, Complex systems and network science, Advanced data analysis techniques
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Marco Sandri is Full Professor of Pathology and Head of the Department of Biomedical Sciences at University of Padova. He received his M.D. degree and the residency in Clinical Pathology at the University of Padova. He carried out postdoctoral work in Alfred L Goldberg lab at Harvard Medical School, Boston. In 2005 he was awarded by the prestigious Dulbecco Telethon prize and established his lab at Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine in Padova. In 2021 he got by Clarivate the award “Highly Cited Researcher”, which recognizes the true pioneers in their fields over the last decade, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science™. He is particularly interested in understanding the signaling pathways that control muscle mass with a focus on the role of the ubiquitin-proteasome and autophagy-lysosome systems.
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Metabolism, Pathogenesis of complex diseases
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Barbara Di Camillo research activity is centred on the development and application of advanced modelling, data mining, and machine learning methods for high-throughput biological data analysis in the field of Bioinformatics and Health Informatics. This includes model/methods development and application in the field of systems biology, reverse engineering, and predictive medicine. In particular, she has been working on omics data studying metagenomics and transcriptomics regulatory networks and cell-cell communication networks from scRNAseq data. She is working on the use of dynamic Bayesian networks to model disease dynamics and the effect of the interaction of different variables (societal, clinical, environmental, and genetic) and their effect on complex clinical phenotype.
Lab website: SysBioBig (Di Camillo Lab)
Main interests: Systems biology and network science, Systems medicine and network science, Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Multi-omics
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Sono psicologa e psicoterapeuta e ho conseguito un PhD in Psicologia. I miei interessi di ricerca sono centrati sullo studio della qualità delle interazioni precoci adulto-bambino e sul loro impatto sui processi e i meccanismi di sviluppo cerebrale, comportamentale e affettivo-relazionale nell'arco della vita. Inoltre le mie ricerche mirano all'individuazione dei fattori bio-psico-sociali di rischio e protezione coinvolti nell'emergere di psicopatologie, secondo un modello multifattoriale e multimodale.
Main interests: Brain networks and connectomes, Psychiatric disorders
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My work focuses on research at the interface of complex systems and quantitative life science under an theoretical framework provided by statistical mechanics. It addresses a wide range of related topics, including brain and ecological networks, stochastic modelling of ecosystems dynamics, whole brain models, computational neuroscience, microbial ecological modelling and DNA hybridization. In particular we look for any ubiquitous patterns or universal scaling behavior in real systems, that are signals of emergent order despite the variety and complexity of the systems involved. I address the above and related topics from a comprehensive framework that include data mining, theoretical modeling (both computational and analytical) and statistical analysis.
Lab website: Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics
Main interests: Computational analysis of living systems, Systems biology and network science, Brain networks and connectomes, Multi-omics, Network neuroscience, Complex systems and network science, Advanced data analysis techniques
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Dr. Fadini is full Professor of Endocrinology at the University of Padova and Associate Medical Director at the Division of Metabolic Diseases of the University Hospital of Padova. Dr. Fadini also directs the Laboratory of Experimental Diabetology at the Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine. Dr. Fadini teaches to students of the course in Medicine and Surgery and of the Specialty course in Endocrinology and Metabolism. His research is devoted to diabetic complications, stem cells in diabetes, wound healing, metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, oxidative stress, longevity gene pathways in metabolic diseases. Dr. Fadini has received prestigious international prizes, including the Morgagni Silver Medal and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes Minkowski prize. Dr. Fadini has been Associate Editor for several international journals and is the incoming Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity. Dr. Fadini’s H-index is 58.
Lab website: Experimental Diabetology Lab
Main interests: Computational analysis of living systems, Computational analysis of populations, Preclinical research in humans, Preclinical research in model organisms, Clinical research in humans, Metabolism, Pathogenesis of complex diseases
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Born in Rovigo (Italy), February 2nd, 1972
Degree in Physics “cum laude”, University of Padua, July 1996.
PhD in Condensed Matter Theory “cum laude”, SISSA (Trieste), October 2000.
Since 2014: Associate Professor in Condensed Matter Theory, Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Padua.
- Computational biophysics of protein structure.
- Protein folding, design, and aggregation. Protein-protein interaction.
- Statistical mechanics of disordered systems.
- Optimization algorithms.
- Phase transitions and critical exponents in biopolymer models. DNA models.
- Quorum sensing: diffusion of signal molecules in bacterial communication.
65 PUBLICATIONS on peer reviewed scientific journals,
total citations: 1996, H-index: 21 (ISI)
total citations: 2098, H-index: 22 (SCOPUS).
20 INVITED SEMINARS/LECTURES at national/international conferences/schools;
SUPERVISOR of 4 post-doctoral fellows, 5 Ph.D. students, >15 master degree thesis, >25 bachelor degree thesis.
Main interests: Computational analysis of biomolecules, Computational analysis of living systems, Protein-protein interaction networks
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Prof. Umberto Castiello begun his research activity at the Institute of Human Physiology at the University of Parma where he studied visual attention in both normal and brain-damaged subjects. From 1988 to 1990 he was post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Medical Research in Lyon working the kinematics of upper limb movements. From 1990 to 1993 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Arizona working on visuo-motor control in Parkinson’s disease. From 1994 to 1999 he taught at Monash University and at the University of Melbourne in Australia. In 2000 he obtained a Chair position at the University of London. From 2004 he is affiliated to the Department of General Psychology (chiamata per Chiara Fama). His research interests revolve around the neural correlates underlying action observation, action execution and social interactions in healthy and brain damaged subjects. In 2014 has become a member of the ‘Centro Linceo Beniamino Segre’ at the Accademia dei Lincei.
Lab website: Neuroscience of Movement Lab (NeMo)
Main interests: Clinical research in humans, Brain networks and connectomes, Neurodegenerative diseases
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Matteo Fassan, MD, PhD, is Professor of Pathology and the Educational Dean of the Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques of the School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Padua. He is the coordinator of the Italian Group of the Pathologists of the Gastrointestinal Tract of the SIAPEC-IAP (GIPAD). His studies are mainly focused on the histopathological and molecular profiling of neoplastic and pre-neoplastic lesions.
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Preclinical research in model organisms, Clinical research in humans, Clinical research in model organisms, Systems medicine and network science, Disease-disease interactions, Cancer
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Our research aims at investigating the cellular and molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration, with a particular focus on Parkinson’s disease (PD). Among the various determinants of the degeneration of the Substantia Nigra pars compacta, pivotal roles have been addressed to dopamine dyshomeostasis and the accumulation of misfolded proteins in neurons.
We are particularly interested in unraveling the mechanisms that trigger the pathological aggregation of the pre-synaptic protein alpha-synuclein and the impact on neuronal physiology. In this frame, we study the interplay between Syn aggregation and the disequilibrium of dopamine and its metabolites, combining biochemical and imaging approaches in both in vitro and in vivo models. More recently, we started to explore the physio-pathological role of dopamine as a modulator of glial cell functions and the consequences of dopamine depletion in PD pathology.
Main interests: Neurodegenerative diseases
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My main research interests are in the statistical mechanics of in and out-of-equilibrium systems, in soft matter and in biological physics. Key topics include conformational transition in biomolecules, protein misfolding and aggregation, theory of stochastic processes , quorum sensing mechanisms, Efimov physics. The methods of research are analitytics, numerics and simulations.
Main interests: Computational analysis of biomolecules, Computational analysis of populations, Neurodegenerative diseases
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Gianfranco Pasut has more than 20 years of research experience in the field of drug and protein delivery, in particular by polymer conjugation. He has developed numerous methods of polymer conjugation to proteins and has collaborated with several companies. His research lab is investigating new approaches of polymer conjugation, Antibody Drug Conjugates, and targeted liposomes. He has pioneered and expanded the use of the enzyme transglutaminase for the development of new conjugates.
Main interests: Drug-related networks, Cancer
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Diego De Stefani is Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova. His research is mainly focused on the identification of mitochondrial ion trasporters, and their role in health and disease.
Lab website: Mitochondrial calcium signaling
Main interests: Preclinical research in model organisms, Metabolic networks, Metabolism, Pathogenesis of complex diseases
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Full professor of Numerical Analysis. Research topics: multivariate approximation with polynomials, kernel-based approximation, image analysis, data analysis. Author of 95 papers on referred journals and 25 on paper proceedings. He is founder of Constructive Approximation and Application Group, the Italian Newtwork on Approximation (RITA) and Responsible of the thematic group on Approximation Theory and Applications of the Italian Mathematical Union. He is managing editor of Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, editor of J. Approx. Theory and BIT Numerical Mathematics. Scopus H-index: 19, Scholar H-index: 25.
Lab website: CAA Padova-Verona Research Group
Main interests: Advanced data analysis techniques
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Alessio Vieno, received his Ph.D. in Community Psychology from the University of Lecce, Italy. Currently holds a position as Full Professor in Community Psychology at the University of Padova, Italy. Research interests include alcohol use and abuse and new form of behavioural addiction among adolescents. He is member of the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA) since 2009 and of the European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) since 2008.
Since 2000 he is member of the international research groups coordinated by the World Health Organization “Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC)”, and from 2017 became PI for Italy.
Lab website: Lab ID
Main interests: Network epidemiology, Psychiatric disorders
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Ordinario di Anatomia Umana e Presidente del Collegio Docenti di Anatomia Umana. Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (1980 - Unipd), Spec. in Anatomia Patologica (1984 - Unipd) e Medicina Legale (1987 - Università di Trieste). Presso l'Unipd: Ricercatore presso l'Ist. di Anatomia Umana Normale (1983-1992); Associato di Anatomia Topografica (1992-2000); Ordinario di Anatomia Umana (da ottobre 2000 ad oggi); Direttore del Dip. di Anatomia e Fisiologia Umana (2004-2011) e del Dip. di Neuroscienze (dal 1° ottobre 2019). Presidente del CdL Magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina e Chirurgia (2006-2013) e Presidente del Corso di Laurea in Fisioterapia (dal 2013 al 2021); Direttore di: Master in Terapia Manuale e Riabilitazione Muscolo-Scheletrica (dal 2012); Centro di Meccanica dei Materiali Biologici dell'Università di Padova fino al 2019. Responsabile del \"Programma di donazione del corpo\", Università di Padova; Direttore del Centro di Riferimento per la Donazione del Corpo della Regione Veneto.
Main interests: Preclinical research in model organisms, Protein-protein interaction networks, Brain networks and connectomes, Neurodegenerative diseases, Network neuroscience, Pathogenesis of complex diseases, Advanced data analysis techniques
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Angelo Antonini is Professor of Neurology at the University of Padua, Italy, and teaches at the Medical School and the School of Psychology. He completed a PhD in Neuroradiology, before continuing his research at the New York University NY, USA. His research focused on the modulation of brain networks using pharmacological and surgical interventions.
Professor Antonini moved to the University Hospital in Padua in 2010, where he is responsible for the Unit for Parkinson and Movement Disorders and the Centre for Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND). He is also the Director of the Study Centre of Neurodegenerative Diseases (CESNE).
Professor Antonini has received several academic awards and funding including three Horizon 2020 projects, published over 500 peer-reviewed manuscripts. He is honorary member of the Society of Neurology of France and of Romania, a Fellow of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), Past-President of the European Section of the Movement Disorders Society.
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Clinical research in humans, Systems medicine and network science, Neurodegenerative diseases
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Stefano Moro is the principal investigator of the Molecular Modeling Section (MMS) at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences. In 2010 he was appointed as a Full Professor in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Padova, Italy. The Molecular Modeling Section (MMS) constitutes the interface among biological/pharmacological and chemical laboratories in its Department, adding computational expertise as needed in organic synthesis, biochemistry, molecular biology, and pharmacology. In the spirit of the motto \"interdisciplinarity is the dialog\" the MMS aims to face medicinal chemistry and medical problems in collaboration with experts in the field... not mixing their expertise, but summing them up.
Lab website: Molecular Modeling Section (MMS)
Main interests: Computational analysis of biomolecules, Cancer, Neurodegenerative diseases, Metabolism
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The Prins group is active in the field of Systems Chemistry, which is a new branch in chemistry. Systems chemistry offers a bottom-up approach to complexity aiming at understanding how properties emerge from the collective behavior of interacting molecules. Systems chemistry is referred to as the third phase in the development of chemistry. Whereas in the first phase chemists focused on making molecules (covalent chemistry) and then on the non-covalent interactions between molecules (supramolecular chemistry), systems chemistry is all about the study of synthetic molecular networks that exhibit ‘life-like’ properties, such as motion, adaptation, non-equilibrium self-assembly and information processing.
Lab website: Systems Chemistry
Main interests: Complex systems and network science
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Paola Rigo is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation of the University of Padua (since 2018). She received her master's degree in Psychology path Neuroscience (2009) and her Ph.D. in Psychological Sciences and Education (2013) at the University of Trento. As a Ph.D. student, she visited the Family and Child Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Denver. She was a post-doctoral fellow at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Health (2014-2015), and Nanyang Technological University (2016-2017).
Her research interest focuses on the psychobiological basis of parenting and intersubjectivity. Through an ecological and interdisciplinary perspective, she investigates how the caregiver's response is modulated by the interaction between individual and clinical factors and by the biological changes that occur during the early postpartum period in both parents and children.
Main interests: Clinical research in humans, Network neuroscience
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• Full Professor in Public Finance at the Department of Economics and Management \"Marco Fanno\" of the University of Padua. Courses: i) Public Finance; Health Economics.
• Main research area: Health economics.
• Member of the Prices and Reimbursement Committee of Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) and of the Research Centre of Public Economics (CRIEP).
• Editor of the Italian scientific journal “Politiche Sanitarie”.
Current research projects: 1) SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) (since 2002); 2) “Impact of different healthcare System MOdels and of different COntainment measures on the spread and health outcomes of COVID-19 in Italy and Europe” (MOSSCOV), University of Padova (since 2020); 3) “Atrial Fibrillation Integrated approach in Frail, Multimorbid, And Polymedicated Older People” (AFFIRMO), Horizon 2020 - Local Unit of the University of Padova (since 2020).
Main interests: Advanced data analysis techniques
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Lab website: Quantum Computing and Simulation Center
Main interests: Advanced data analysis techniques
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Prof Francesco Paolo has performed pioneering research into the underlying origin of liver fibrosis associated with chronic liver disease. He has been always involved in basic and clinical liver research, since he was a resident in Gastroenterology, studying the xenoperfusion of a rat liver with human blood by intravital microscopy or the possibility to support parenchymal liver cells by acellular matrix. During his PhD he performed his research in the UK at Imperial College London, with the group of Prof. Stuart J Forbes and Prof. Malcolm R. Alison and they showed for the first time, in liver transplant patients of diverse disease etiology, a circulating population of cells of recipient origin that were present within the fibrotic liver that had a myofibroblast phenotype. After Prof. Russo came back to Italy, he set up his own laboratory as PI, and during these years he kept studying liver regeneration and repair after acute and chronic liver injury in mice and human model.
Lab website: Viral Hepatitis, Liver Fibrosis and Regeneration Research Group
Main interests: Preclinical research in model organisms, Clinical research in humans, Systems biology and network science, Systems medicine and network science, Metabolic networks, Disease-disease interactions, Cancer, Metabolism, Multi-omics, Pathogenesis of complex diseases
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Prof. Patrizia Burra is Full Professor of Gastroenterology and Head of the Multivisceral Transplantation Unit at Padua University, Italy. From 2021 she is Rector’s Delegate for Specialisation Schools and the Centre for Post Graduate Specialised Training at Padua University.
Patrizia Burra is involved in studies in HBV prophylaxis after liver transplantation, liver transplantation for NAFLD and NASH including evaluation of frailty and obesity, early liver transplantation for acute alcoholic hepatitis, clinical management of patients with HCC, primary sclerosing cholangitis and cholangiocarcinoma.
She is Chair of the Public Affairs Committee 2022–2025 of United European Gastroenterology (UEG) and General Secretary of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology (SIGE).
Currently she is Co-chair of The Lancet–EASL Commission on liver diseases in Europe and Deputy Editor of Journal of Hepatology.
She has authored over 400 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, with an H-index of 59.
Main interests: Clinical research in humans, Metabolic networks, Disease-disease interactions, Cancer, Pathogenesis of complex diseases, Advanced data analysis techniques
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Main research interests:
the main expertise is on the development and application of advanced electron spin resonance techniques, such as: FT-EPR, pulse-ENDOR, time-resolved EPR, DEER, ODMR, to the study of biological processes. Proteins and their interactions are the main subject. The acquisition of a Q-band EPR spectrometer has added a new tool for modern application of the EPR technique to the field. In particular, spin labelling is used to address the dynamics of biomolecules and to obtain constrains for their structural and conformational analysis.
-Past President of GIRSE (Italian Group of Electron Magnetic Resonance).
-Past Vice-President of the EF-EPR (European Federation of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance groups)
-Author of 126 peer-reviewed papers and two book chapters. Scopus and WoS h-index: 30
-Recipient of Cannizzaro Prize 2003 for Physical Chemistry from Accademia dei Lincei
Lab website: EPR LAB
Main interests: Computational analysis of biomolecules, Protein-protein interaction networks
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Direttore Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche Oncologiche e Gastroenteriche e della UOC Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia d'Urgenza Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova; Professore Ordinario ssd MED/12;
Lab website: Laboratorio UOC Gastroenterologia
Main interests: Clinical research in humans, Systems medicine and network science, Cancer
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Academic qualifications
11 Mar 2005, PhD in Biology, University of Ferrara
17 Dec 1999, Master's degree in Natural Sciences, University of Ferrara
21 Nov 2013, Bachelor's degree in Clinical Laboratory Technologist, University of Padua
Research interests
Since 2008, she directs the Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, where she supervises the research activities of post-doctoral research fellows and PhD students in Biomedical Sciences in the field of hearing impairment. Since 2022, she directs the Interdepartmental Research Centre of Auditory Processing Project in Venice (I-APPROVE). Her main research interests are the improvement of hearing aids through the application of cochlear implants on experimental models, improvement of drug delivery systems to recover or prevent hearing loss and study the application of tissue engineering and biomarkers in head and neck diseases
Lab website: Bioacoustics Research Laboratory
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Preclinical research in model organisms, Drug-related networks, Neurodegenerative diseases
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Stefano Indraccolo is Experimental Oncologist at the Dept of Surgery Oncology and Gastroenterology - University of Padova and Istituto Oncologico Veneto – IRCCS, where he is leading a research group. He has published >150 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals on tumor angiogenesis and metabolism, tumor dormancy, and Notch signaling in leukemia. Currently his interest is mainly focused on understanding the metabolic adaptations of tumors to anti-angiogenic therapy and the mechanisms involved in this phenomenon, with the long-term aim to identify new metabolic drugs to improve therapeutic efficacy of angiogenesis inhibitors in cancer.
Lab website: Basic and Translational Oncology Unit
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Preclinical research in model organisms, Clinical research in humans, Systems biology and network science, Cancer, Metabolism, Multi-omics
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Un problema centrale dell’oncologia è rappresentato dal fatto che la maggior parte dei farmaci antitumorali mirati al bersaglio molecolare producono effetti terapeutici transitori a seguito della selezione clonale di cellule tumorali farmaco-resistenti. I nostri progetti sono orientati allo sviluppo di terapie innovative basate sull’impiego di farmaci che colpiscano simultaneamente più bersagli molecolari utilizzando l’approccio della “letalità sintetica”. In particolare si valuterà l’efficacia di farmaci che modificano il profilo metabolico cellulare in associazione a farmaci pro-apoptotici.
Un altro problema centrale è la mancanza di marcatori che permettano di diagnosticare precocemente la presenza di tumori e/o di definire la prognosi del paziente. Per fornire risposte a questa problematica, siamo impegnati nella ricerca di marcatori circolanti (miRNA e DNA tumorale) attraverso l'approccio della biopsia liquida.
Lab website: Oncologia Molecolare
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Preclinical research in model organisms, Systems biology and network science, Systems medicine and network science, Systems pharmacology, Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Metabolic networks, Drug-related networks, Cancer, Pathogenesis of complex diseases
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Full Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Padova (Department of Neuroscience), Head of the Psychiatric Clinic and of the Eating Disorders Unit of the University Hospital of Padova. Member of the Padova Neuroscience Center. PhD in Psychiatric Sciences at the University of Verona (1998) and Master of Science in Genetic Epidemiology at the University of Pavia (2003). Author of more than 120 paper published by peer-reviewed international journals.
Lab website: Eating Disorders Unit (PNC)
Main interests: Clinical research in humans, Brain networks and connectomes, Psychiatric disorders
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I am Associate Professor of Molecular Biology, and my research is focused on the development and application of novel methods for personalized medicine using omics data and computational approaches. I started working in the field after my PhD in statistics in 2001, working on transcriptional data. Then, in 2005, I become assistant professor and thanks to the support of several projects, I started to grow my team and I moved to cancer genomics - my current topic. My quantitative background and my interest for life sciences supported my research twofold: from the methodological development to the biological application. Motivated by the idea that a biomarker cannot be considered isolated from the complex molecular network of the cell, we developed several integrative network-based methods for the identification of prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers, and for the visualization of multi-omic data both for bulk and single cell. From 2014 I'm assistant professor at the University of Padova.
Lab website: Computational Biology Lab / RomualdiLab
Main interests: Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Cancer, Multi-omics, Advanced data analysis techniques
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My research focus is on the development, implementation and application of statistical models in high-throughput sequencing and other genomic data. Currently, my main focus is on single-cell RNA-seq.
I am interested in the statistical modeling of high-dimensional data, graphical models, parametric and non-parametric regression, clustering, factor analysis and dimensionality reduction, multiple hypothesis testing, combining data from multiple sources (meta-analysis), exploratory data analysis and data visualization, reproducible research.
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Preclinical research in model organisms, Systems biology and network science, Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Cancer, Multi-omics, Advanced data analysis techniques
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Mario Bortolozzi received the master’s degree in physics from the University of Padua (Italy) in 2004 and the Ph.D. degree in Neurobiology at the School of Biosciences of the same university in 2008. In 2012-2013 he was visiting scientist at the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics of the University of Oxford, UK. Since 2017, he is an Associate Professor in Biophysics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy “G. Galilei” of the University of Padua.
Mario Bortolozzi’s research group is placed at the Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine (VIMM, Padova) where he combines expertise from optical microscopy, electrophysiology, and systems biology to answer important biological questions. The lab is currently focusing on the molecular pathogenesis of the X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth peripheral neuropathy (CMT1X) and Parkinson’s disease using in vitro 2D and 3D models. Co-author of 43 publications, including 32 original articles (average IF: 7.9; H-index Scopus: 20).
Lab website: Neurobiology
Main interests: Computational analysis of biomolecules, Computational analysis of living systems, Preclinical research in model organisms, Protein-protein interaction networks, Neurodegenerative diseases, Pathogenesis of complex diseases, Advanced data analysis techniques
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Main interests: Computational analysis of biomolecules, Computational analysis of populations, Clinical research in humans, Protein-protein interaction networks, Cancer, Complex systems and network science, Advanced data analysis techniques
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Stefano Masiero is an academic clinician (full professor) in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Padova (UNIPD). Director of the School of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Department of Neuroscience, University of Padova (IT) and Chair of Neurorehabilitation Department, Padova University-General Hospital (IT). His current research portfolio includes conservative treatment in spinal disorders (scoliosis, kiposis, etc); physical agent modalities interventions (e.g., external shock wave, short-wave diathermy) and injecting therapy in the patient with musculoskeletal disorders; the role of exercise in the elderly and sarcopenia; new tools for neurorehabilitation (e.g., robot-therapy, gait analysis, neurophysiological mechanisms of recovery neurological disorders); news models of rehabilitation approach in Health Resort Medicine. He has more than 250 peer-reviewed articles or book chapters to his name.
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Preclinical research in model organisms, Clinical research in humans, Disease-disease interactions, Pathogenesis of complex diseases
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A biophysicist by training, I used electrophysiology and developed mathematical models, computational tools, advanced optical instrumentation, and imaging methods to investigate structure/function relationships in membrane channels/transporters and cell-cell communication in health and disease. I also pioneered gene therapy treatments for deafness and, more recently, antibody therapy for skin disorders caused by connexin mutations. In the last decade or so, I worked on cancer and cancer photodynamic therapy. Throughout my career, I made extensive use of mouse models of disease and generated some of them. I worked in a variety of world-class public and private institutions. Since 2011, I have been active within the National Research Council (CNR), initially as an Associated Member of the Institute of Neuroscience, then as Director of the Institute of Cell Biology and Neurobiology, currently as National Delegate in the INFRAFRONTIER and IMPC Research Infrastructures.
Main interests: Computational analysis of biomolecules, Preclinical research in model organisms, Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Protein-protein interaction networks, Cancer, Pathogenesis of complex diseases, Advanced data analysis techniques
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Lab website: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
Main interests: Computational analysis of living systems, Preclinical research in humans, Clinical research in humans, Brain networks and connectomes, Network neuroscience, Advanced data analysis techniques
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I am Fabio Zampieri professor in History of Medicine at the Department of Cardio-Thoraco-Vascular Sciences and Public Health. Here, I represent the research interests of Department DSCTV concerning History of Medicine.
Main interests: Computational analysis of populations, Preclinical research in humans, Systems medicine and network science, Network epidemiology, Disease-disease interactions, Complex systems and network science
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I am Associate Professor in Medical Sciences of Medicine and Laboratory and here I represent the research interest of the dipt. DSCVT concerning the Cardio-Vascular field
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Preclinical research in model organisms, Clinical research in humans, Systems medicine and network science, Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Protein-protein interaction networks, Disease-disease interactions, Multi-omics, Pathogenesis of complex diseases, Advanced data analysis techniques
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I am a Researcher in Pathological Anatomy and here I represent the research interests of the Dipt. of DSCTV concerning the Thoracic-Pulmonary field
Main interests: Preclinical research in model organisms, Clinical research in humans, Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Drug-related networks, Disease-disease interactions, Cancer, Neurodegenerative diseases, Multi-omics, Pathogenesis of complex diseases, Advanced data analysis techniques
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I am a Researcher in Legal Medicine and here I represent the research interests of the Public Health section in the Dept. of DSCTV of the Padova University
Main interests: Computational analysis of living systems, Computational analysis of populations, Preclinical research in humans, Systems medicine and network science, Network epidemiology, Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Psychiatric disorders, Network neuroscience, Pathogenesis of complex diseases, Advanced data analysis techniques
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Alessandra Bertoldo is Full Professor of Bioengineering at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova. Her research interests are mainly related to the development of mathematical models for analysis and control of biological systems. My group uses neuroimaging (Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and electroencephalography (EEG) signals combined through engineering, physics, and machine-learning approaches in a multimodal approach to understand how the brain functions as an integrated network, in both health and disease. Presently we are focused on the study of the complexity of the relationship between spontaneous brain activity and brain metabolism, on the study of the reorganization of brain network dynamics with different brain pathologies, on the use of system theory to provide an understanding of the operational principles of a dynamic system such as the brain.
Lab website: Fair
Main interests: Computational analysis of living systems, Systems medicine and network science, Metabolic networks, Brain networks and connectomes, Cancer, Neurodegenerative diseases, Metabolism, Network neuroscience
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Chiara Poletto works on the spreading of infectious diseases seen as a complex system phenomenon. Epidemics are mediated by sociodemographic and environmental factors acting at different scales. The mathematical and computational modelling of this complex interdependence to quantify infection risk, its persistence and impact on the population is a central question of her research work. Within this broad context, she is dedicating increasing attention to emerging pathogen events, outbreak analysis, and modelling to inform the design of interventions. She has worked on the influenza pandemic of 2009, MERS, Western Africa Ebola outbreak of 2014, Chikungunya and Zika epidemics and COVID-19. Poletto received the Junior Scientific Award of the Complex Systems Society for extraordinary scientific achievements. Her studies on emerging pathogens’ epidemics (from Ebola outbreak to COVID-19) have translated into expert advises for public health decision makers.
Main interests: Computational analysis of populations, Network epidemiology, Complex systems and network science, Advanced data analysis techniques
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I'm a biostatistician and clinical epidemiologist by training. My research group focuses on clinical predictive modeling, disease phenomapping, and dynamic network modeling. In the last few years, we focused on analyzing signals coming from consumer wearable devices with machine learning techniques to monitor and predict patients' outcomes. Recent interests cover digital-twins modeling and use in healthcare, including covering issues of potential ethical concern.
Lab website: Unit of Biostatistics Epidemiology and Public Health
Main interests: Clinical research in humans, Complex systems and network science, Advanced data analysis techniques