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Manlio De Domenico is a complexity scientist. His research is at the edge of theoretical and computational aspects of statistical physics of complex biophysical and socio-ecological systems. He is mostly known for modeling structure and dynamics of complex systems by means of multilayer networks and multiscale analysis. He applies network science to study protein-protein interactions (human/viruses/model organisms interactome), neural connectivity (human/model organisms connectome) and epidemic spreading coupled with human behavior. He was awarded the German Physical Society's Young Scientist Award for Socio- and Econophysics (2020), the IUPAP Young Scientist Award on Statistical Physics (2019) and the Complex Systems Society's Young Scientific Award (2016) for his studies on multilayer systems. He is the National Coordinator of the Italian Chapter of the Complex Systems Society and founding Director of the Mediterranean School of Complex Networks.
Main interests: Computational analysis of living systems, Systems biology and network science, Systems medicine and network science, Protein-protein interaction networks, Brain networks and connectomes, Disease-disease interactions, Pathogenesis of complex diseases, Network epidemiology, Network neuroscience, Complex systems and network science
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Maurizio Corbetta is a neurologist and neuroscientist interested in the neural mechanisms of behavior and recovery of function after injury. His lab uses a variety of methods including brain imaging (PET, MRI), electrophysiology (EEG/MEG), non-invasive brain stimulation (TMS/TES), and whole brain computational modeling to study the dynamics and complexity of brain signals in health and disease.
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Clinical research in humans, Brain networks and connectomes, Network neuroscience, Advanced data analysis techniques
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Barbara Di Camillo research activity is centred on the development and application of advanced modelling, data mining, and machine learning methods for high-throughput biological data analysis in the field of Bioinformatics and Health Informatics. This includes model/methods development and application in the field of systems biology, reverse engineering, and predictive medicine. In particular, she has been working on omics data studying metagenomics and transcriptomics regulatory networks and cell-cell communication networks from scRNAseq data. She is working on the use of dynamic Bayesian networks to model disease dynamics and the effect of the interaction of different variables (societal, clinical, environmental, and genetic) and their effect on complex clinical phenotype.
Main interests: Systems biology and network science, Systems medicine and network science, Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Multi-omics
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Un problema centrale dell’oncologia è rappresentato dal fatto che la maggior parte dei farmaci antitumorali mirati al bersaglio molecolare producono effetti terapeutici transitori a seguito della selezione clonale di cellule tumorali farmaco-resistenti. I nostri progetti sono orientati allo sviluppo di terapie innovative basate sull’impiego di farmaci che colpiscano simultaneamente più bersagli molecolari utilizzando l’approccio della “letalità sintetica”. In particolare si valuterà l’efficacia di farmaci che modificano il profilo metabolico cellulare in associazione a farmaci pro-apoptotici.
Un altro problema centrale è la mancanza di marcatori che permettano di diagnosticare precocemente la presenza di tumori e/o di definire la prognosi del paziente. Per fornire risposte a questa problematica, siamo impegnati nella ricerca di marcatori circolanti (miRNA e DNA tumorale) attraverso l'approccio della biopsia liquida.
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Preclinical research in model organisms, Systems biology and network science, Systems medicine and network science, Systems pharmacology, Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Metabolic networks, Drug-related networks, Cancer, Pathogenesis of complex diseases
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I am Associate Professor of Molecular Biology, and my research is focused on the development and application of novel methods for personalized medicine using omics data and computational approaches. I started working in the field after my PhD in statistics in 2001, working on transcriptional data. Then, in 2005, I become assistant professor and thanks to the support of several projects, I started to grow my team and I moved to cancer genomics - my current topic. My quantitative background and my interest for life sciences supported my research twofold: from the methodological development to the biological application. Motivated by the idea that a biomarker cannot be considered isolated from the complex molecular network of the cell, we developed several integrative network-based methods for the identification of prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers, and for the visualization of multi-omic data both for bulk and single cell. From 2014 I'm assistant professor at the University of Padova.
Main interests: Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Cancer, Multi-omics, Advanced data analysis techniques
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I am Associate Professor in Medical Sciences of Medicine and Laboratory and here I represent the research interest of the dipt. DSCVT concerning the Cardio-Vascular field
Main interests: Preclinical research in humans, Preclinical research in model organisms, Clinical research in humans, Systems medicine and network science, Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Protein-protein interaction networks, Disease-disease interactions, Multi-omics, Pathogenesis of complex diseases, Advanced data analysis techniques
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I am a Researcher in Pathological Anatomy and here I represent the research interests of the Dipt. of DSCTV concerning the Thoracic-Pulmonary field
Main interests: Preclinical research in model organisms, Clinical research in humans, Gene regulatory or gene expression networks, Drug-related networks, Disease-disease interactions, Cancer, Neurodegenerative diseases, Multi-omics, Pathogenesis of complex diseases, Advanced data analysis techniques